jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

Movie: in front of the class

What struck you about in front of the class?

Something that struck me about the movie was people´s behavior when they realized that Brad was a sick person. One positive thing that struck me was the persistence of Brad since he never gave up although he sometimes felt he could not go on because no one wanted to give him an opportunity.

What did you learn about the teacher?

I learned that if you really want to be a good teacher, you have to love teaching and you need to be very creative. Also, you have to have the ability to solve difficulties that can appear in the teaching- learning process.

What makes a good teacher?

The most essential factors that make a good teacher are: his/her persistence, creativity, passion and love for teaching, and responsibility.

How would you describe Brad?

I would describe him as an honest person because he always said the true about his sickness; capable to do whatever he wants and persistent. He is a good example for any teacher. He shows us his passion for teaching and that no matter if you have any disability or sickness, you can do everything and be whoever you want.

What makes him a good teacher?

What makes him a good teacher is his persistence, responsibility, passion for being a good teacher, high self-esteem, creativity and ability to overcome the difficulties.

What was the most interesting scene in the movie?

It was when finally 8he principal of a kindergarten gave Brad the oppo3rtunity to teach and show his capacity of being a good teacher. In that moment, Brad felt the happiest guy in the world since he knew he could do a good job.

How may the movie empower future teachers?

This movie may empower future teachers because it shows a real example of persistence and struggle when things seem to be difficult or impossible. It shows people that it is easy to give up, but the difficult thing is to work hard for what you want.

domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010

My experience of teaching in kindergarten.

I have learned many things teaching kindergarteners. Without this experience, I could never know what being a teacher means. My students make me feel lovely and important because for them I am a real teacher and they think I know everything about English (for sure, I don`t). It was beautiful for me when I taught them a word in English, and the next day, they told me that word they have learned. In that moment, I realized that I was doing a good job with them. Other thing that I liked a lot is that when they see me on the street they always say me: “bye, teacher” and they say to the person they were: “that is my English teacher.” I saw them very happy to see me. That was something that I appreciate a lot. With this experience, I understand that this is the job I want. One disadvantage I had when working with little kids was that they cannot read or write, so I had to adjust and limit the activities and games according to their level. On the contrary, I had many advantages of working with them because they are easy to control; they follow instructions, and they never make me feel bad.

This was an amazing experience for me that I will never forget.


sábado, 9 de octubre de 2010


I am going to express my experience with the poster presentation.
Well, first, my presentation was going to be on Tuesday, September 6, 2010. So my classmates Carmen and Yancy and I were ready for doing the presentation that day. Unfortunately, that day, the gangsters of our country did not allow the bus drivers to work; as a result, there was not transportation, so we could not do our presentation on Tuesday. Next week, we could do it, but it was not what I hoped. I say this because: first, my classmate Carmen took many time giving her speech and that made me feel nervous since I thought there was not going to be enough time for giving my speech. Second, when I passed to the front, I forget some things that I had to say. Even, I could not explain a beautiful chart that I did because of the time. Anyway, I did that I could. After that, Yancy continued with the topic. I realized that she also could not give her complete speech. After a few days, I saw my grades in the system and I did not get the grades I would like to get. In conclusion, I have to say that I learned a lot from this poster presentation because in the next presentation that I have, I won’t make the same mistakes I made in the poster presentation. I hope to improve the things that I did wrong and take into account the advices the teacher Edgar gave me because I really want to get good grades in the next presentation, and I also want to prove myself that I can do a good job as any of my classmates.

Well, this is all I can say about my experience in the poster presentation.

jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010


My experience in teaching English to children has been fantastic and wonderful. The first day that I taught English to the children I was very nervous since I had never taught, but the kids and their teacher were so nice with me that that gave me the confidence that I needed in that moment. After that day, my opinion about teaching changed a lot as I have experienced what being a teacher means. In the past, I thought a teacher was a person who simply teaches and his or her job was only taught, but now that I am teaching, I have understood that being a teacher means many things such as being a friend, a model that children want to follow, a facilitator, and sometimes a second mother or father. I am going to give an example of that: the children that I am teaching are very young. They are five years old and some of them cannot clean themselves after going to the bathroom. Once, I observed that the teacher cleaned a little girl and that she did it gently and lovely as if the girl was her daughter. In that moment, I realized that teachers act as second parents of the children. I hope to be a good teacher and to love the children as if they were my sons and daughters. In fact, in a few weeks that I have been teaching, I have learned to love the kids very much and I am sure they love me the same. I am so happy of teaching very young children because they are very special. This is an experience that I will never forget. Thanks teacher Edgar Perez for giving me this opportunity.

sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2010

class observation

Hello everybody!

The class that I observed was developing on Tuesday afternoon in a public school in Santa Ana City. Inside the classroom, there were about 19 six-year-old children of kindergarten. Their teacher’s name is Lizeth. When she began the class, I was sitting next to her. She introduced me to her pupils. She said them: “good afternoon children. Today we have a new teacher that is going to teach you English the next week. So she is going to be observing you two days in this week. Please give her a clap!” all the students were happy since they have never received an English class. After that, the teacher passed a group of pupils to the front to do a prayer and also to sing a song. Then, she passed other group of children to sing another song. Children sang about five songs. After a few seconds, the teacher asked them to give her their notebooks, and every child did it. Later, she told them to work on their books. The activity consisted on painting two pictures that showed some fruits since they were studying animals and fruits. After that, it was time to taking a break. One of the children’s mother bringed them milk with rise and that was the lunch of the kids. The teacher asked me to help her with children’s notebooks and I gently accepted. So I checked the homework assignments of all the children; that made me feel so proud of myself for choosing this major because I understood that the teacher is a very important person in children’s life. After lunching, children came back to class, and they had to do another activity. They painted other picture but this time they had to do it on their notebooks. They lasted doing this about 20 minutes. Then, they sang two more songs to finishing the classes´ day.

Well, these were my observations about the class that I had to observe.

Thanks a lot.

These are the children to whom I am going to teach English and there is also their

This is a picture of the school where I am going to be teaching English. Its name is Centro Escolar Urbanizacion Bella Vista.

sábado, 14 de agosto de 2010


Do you consider language as a miracle?
Yes, it is a miracle because the miracles do not have any explanations about how they happen. No one can understand how this happens and how a person learns to speak and we think the language is a gift from Gad.

How do you define it?

We can define it as a natural ability that children develop through their lives because we learn to speak our mother tongue in the first years of our lives and after that we use it almost all the time.

How did you learn how to speak?

That is another miracle because nobody teaches newborns how they have to use the organs of speech; moreover, as we are growing up, we internalize all the vocabulary that we have already known or that we have already heard from people who is around us.

How are you learning to speak English?

We are learning to speak English through many ways; for example, one way is that we repeat words that the teacher says, that is known as active listening. Other way is when we answer informative questions that the teacher asks; we give our opinions according to what we know.

Is your learning proper?

Yes it is proper but not at all because we do not have a good learning environment in our society; we just have it at the university. When we finish the classes and come back to our houses, we do not practice English language so we are not learning when we are at home.

If not what is wrong?

The wrong thing is that we just learn and practice English when we are at the university. We do not hear English at home, at church or wherever we go, so we learn anything about English and that is a big problem if we want to learn it.