sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2010

class observation

Hello everybody!

The class that I observed was developing on Tuesday afternoon in a public school in Santa Ana City. Inside the classroom, there were about 19 six-year-old children of kindergarten. Their teacher’s name is Lizeth. When she began the class, I was sitting next to her. She introduced me to her pupils. She said them: “good afternoon children. Today we have a new teacher that is going to teach you English the next week. So she is going to be observing you two days in this week. Please give her a clap!” all the students were happy since they have never received an English class. After that, the teacher passed a group of pupils to the front to do a prayer and also to sing a song. Then, she passed other group of children to sing another song. Children sang about five songs. After a few seconds, the teacher asked them to give her their notebooks, and every child did it. Later, she told them to work on their books. The activity consisted on painting two pictures that showed some fruits since they were studying animals and fruits. After that, it was time to taking a break. One of the children’s mother bringed them milk with rise and that was the lunch of the kids. The teacher asked me to help her with children’s notebooks and I gently accepted. So I checked the homework assignments of all the children; that made me feel so proud of myself for choosing this major because I understood that the teacher is a very important person in children’s life. After lunching, children came back to class, and they had to do another activity. They painted other picture but this time they had to do it on their notebooks. They lasted doing this about 20 minutes. Then, they sang two more songs to finishing the classes´ day.

Well, these were my observations about the class that I had to observe.

Thanks a lot.

These are the children to whom I am going to teach English and there is also their

This is a picture of the school where I am going to be teaching English. Its name is Centro Escolar Urbanizacion Bella Vista.

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