jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010


My experience in teaching English to children has been fantastic and wonderful. The first day that I taught English to the children I was very nervous since I had never taught, but the kids and their teacher were so nice with me that that gave me the confidence that I needed in that moment. After that day, my opinion about teaching changed a lot as I have experienced what being a teacher means. In the past, I thought a teacher was a person who simply teaches and his or her job was only taught, but now that I am teaching, I have understood that being a teacher means many things such as being a friend, a model that children want to follow, a facilitator, and sometimes a second mother or father. I am going to give an example of that: the children that I am teaching are very young. They are five years old and some of them cannot clean themselves after going to the bathroom. Once, I observed that the teacher cleaned a little girl and that she did it gently and lovely as if the girl was her daughter. In that moment, I realized that teachers act as second parents of the children. I hope to be a good teacher and to love the children as if they were my sons and daughters. In fact, in a few weeks that I have been teaching, I have learned to love the kids very much and I am sure they love me the same. I am so happy of teaching very young children because they are very special. This is an experience that I will never forget. Thanks teacher Edgar Perez for giving me this opportunity.

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