sábado, 9 de octubre de 2010


I am going to express my experience with the poster presentation.
Well, first, my presentation was going to be on Tuesday, September 6, 2010. So my classmates Carmen and Yancy and I were ready for doing the presentation that day. Unfortunately, that day, the gangsters of our country did not allow the bus drivers to work; as a result, there was not transportation, so we could not do our presentation on Tuesday. Next week, we could do it, but it was not what I hoped. I say this because: first, my classmate Carmen took many time giving her speech and that made me feel nervous since I thought there was not going to be enough time for giving my speech. Second, when I passed to the front, I forget some things that I had to say. Even, I could not explain a beautiful chart that I did because of the time. Anyway, I did that I could. After that, Yancy continued with the topic. I realized that she also could not give her complete speech. After a few days, I saw my grades in the system and I did not get the grades I would like to get. In conclusion, I have to say that I learned a lot from this poster presentation because in the next presentation that I have, I won’t make the same mistakes I made in the poster presentation. I hope to improve the things that I did wrong and take into account the advices the teacher Edgar gave me because I really want to get good grades in the next presentation, and I also want to prove myself that I can do a good job as any of my classmates.

Well, this is all I can say about my experience in the poster presentation.