sábado, 14 de agosto de 2010


Do you consider language as a miracle?
Yes, it is a miracle because the miracles do not have any explanations about how they happen. No one can understand how this happens and how a person learns to speak and we think the language is a gift from Gad.

How do you define it?

We can define it as a natural ability that children develop through their lives because we learn to speak our mother tongue in the first years of our lives and after that we use it almost all the time.

How did you learn how to speak?

That is another miracle because nobody teaches newborns how they have to use the organs of speech; moreover, as we are growing up, we internalize all the vocabulary that we have already known or that we have already heard from people who is around us.

How are you learning to speak English?

We are learning to speak English through many ways; for example, one way is that we repeat words that the teacher says, that is known as active listening. Other way is when we answer informative questions that the teacher asks; we give our opinions according to what we know.

Is your learning proper?

Yes it is proper but not at all because we do not have a good learning environment in our society; we just have it at the university. When we finish the classes and come back to our houses, we do not practice English language so we are not learning when we are at home.

If not what is wrong?

The wrong thing is that we just learn and practice English when we are at the university. We do not hear English at home, at church or wherever we go, so we learn anything about English and that is a big problem if we want to learn it.